I work with some pretty amazing teachers! We have a strong 8th grade team...divided into teams. Being in teams has been a fun time as a faculty. We chose 80s TV shows for our teams: Foley Vice, The A-Team, and Animaniacs. Our clever one made us all team pictures and they rock!

It made working in our rooms for two weeks way more fun! Here is a peek at a couple. I love the vinyl albums as group numbers and the storage beside the groups!

We set the tone on the first day of school with a Welcome Back assembly. It was complete with beach muscle men and cartwheeling music teachers! These are my people!

Our Language Arts department started these Mr. Stick drawings as one of the student choices for their vocabulary words. They also have other fun options like vocabulary characters and hidden pictures. I also have a fellow blogger in that department. Go read his witty ramblings at More Than Testing!

I love how my tribe plays along with me even when I ask them to do a BreakoutEDU box. They had to break out to go to lunch from our PLC meeting. Record time! Thank goodness for our science, robotics, math and FACS teachers! They are clearly the brains of our operation! And my biggest cheerleaders!

The Social Studies department is led by a hometown fave. Words can't be put together to say how valuable she is to our school. When the flooding happened in Louisiana, she had her peer helpers put together a Lids 4 Louisiana campaign to raise money to send. It spread all over the county with many schools participating. What an inspiration she is as she leads our young people!

One of my fave days is Olympic Day. It is the culmination of Greek Week, one of the cross-curricular activities we do. As social studies and language arts talk Greek and science builds catapults, we talk about the Golden Ratio and having a Greek face (more on that to come). On Friday, we stay outside all day doing Olympic "events" like javelin throw, shotput, obstacle courses, armor run, temple building, and TUG of WAR! Those are my babies for the win!

Then there is our fearless leader who says yes to any crazy thing we ask!

My tribe wouldn't be complete without the perfect neighbor...who also twins with me on Twin Day!

Amazing. Tribe. I am lucky to work with people that inspire me to be better every day!
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