Bivariate data is one of my fave things to teach because of the real data we can collect as a class. I am always trying to find new ways we can collect data. While looking for ideas, I came across this post written about data collection from Don Steward's blog. I saw "blind stork test" and was immediately curious. Google found for me that athletes use the blind stork test to assess their balance. The premise is simple, you time how long you can stand on one foot with your eyes closed. The timer stops when your foot touches or you open your eyes.
I emailed Don Steward to make sure I understood his intentions on how to use this data. After clarifying, my class collected data to see if there is a relationship between standing on your right or left foot. Which foot are you more "STORKY" on?!
I created a Storky Scatter Plot for students to record their data. It was hilarious watching them balance and compare their times. I love that the whole class had to work together to get all the data collected.
A couple of things I would change. First, I would have each student do it three times and take the best one. I would also be more uncompromising on your foot having to touch your knee. I think this skewed some of the data. You can see the difference in the two pictures above.
The Blind Stork Test is definitely a keeper for data collection! Try it out with your students and you will have them bragging about how "storky" they are for days!

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